What is an Occlusion Leak Test?
An occlusion test measures the passage of air through an object and signifies if the object’s passage is clear or occluded/blocked. In this test the product is attached to the test port and filled with regulated air. Once the desired pressure is obtained, all valves are closed off. The air is not allowed to settle and the test begins immediately after the fill stage. During the test, the downstream port is opened to atmosphere and the loss of pressure is measured. If the product exceeds the programed reject value, it is considered a pass. If pressure does not decay past the reject value it is occluded and the product does not pass.
Downstream Occlusion:
For proper operation of this test, a downstream release is required. The iKit, Isaac HD, and Zaxis 7i allow for these release valves to be built in, or you can use a clamp (seal/pinch) valve with any tester to activate an external release.
Sample Applications
- Catheters
- IV Set
- Check Valve
- Tubing