Tech-Note – Setting High Flow Test Pressure - Electronic Regulator
The calibration of the electronic regulator in the Isaac is done in a static condition. At higher flows the regulator output is not sufficient to achieve the test pressure. A new feature has been implemented to help the regulator learn the output required to achieve test pressure prior to the run mode.
To set the test pressure (while flowing) place a master part onto the test port. From the ‘PROG’ menu in the ‘Pressure’ screen check the “Valve on” box. A seek and tune algorithm will activate to achieve the set test pressure. The algorithm could take 7-10 seconds to reach the target value. The closer the value gets to the set test pressure, the slower the feedback will operate. When the desired pressure is reached, uncheck the box to save the value as the regulator output start value. This feature can be used in conjunction with the regulator feedback percentage change (the amount of fill time the feedback can operate). Setting the amount of feedback to high can cause oscillations.
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