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Tech-Note – Program Settings via Ethernet (ASCII)

The setup data from on the Isaac can be modified by a computer via the Ethernet connection on the back of the Isaac.

To read and/or modify the data with a computer you will need a crossover Ethernet cable (see diagram) and a terminal emulation program such as HyperTerminal.

To begin find the IP address of the laptop by running the command prompt (found in Start – Accessories). On the command line type ‘ipconfig’, this will display all the data associated with the Ethernet connections. Record the ‘Local Area Connection IPv4-Address’.

If your primary connection is done wirelessly, you will need to connect the cable from the Isaac to your laptop, and power up the Isaac before recording the IP address.

On the Isaac, under ‘COMM’ – ‘Ethernet Settings’ turn the DHCP to OFF. The IP Address of the Isaac should be set to one address higher than the IP of the laptop.

For example Laptop =, set the Isaac to

Starting HyperTerminal, the opening screen asks for a connection description, this description can be saved for future use to avoid going through all the configurations. We have chosen to call our example ‘Isaac’.

With a connection description made the next screen to appear is Connect To. Hyper terminal has multiple ways of communicating. In the Connect using pull down menu choose TCP/IP (Winsock).

With the TCP/IP selection made the Host address and port numbering must be entered. The IP of the Isaac is the Host. The port number is always 23.

Pressing OK will initiate the socket connection from HyperTerminal to the Isaac. A successful connection will be show by the connected counter in the lower right corner of the HyperTerminal screen.

Once the connection is made, the desired command is sent. All commands should be followed by the ] (closed bracket symbol). The command set is located at the end of this document.

For read commands the data will be immediately returned.

Example: Read the set test pressure – RTP]
                 Set the test pressure – STP10.00] (set the test pressure to 10.00)
                 SRP] (starts the currently selected test)

When sending multiple commands, each single entry command (e.g setting or reading a timer) a delay of 75msec is required between each action. When sending a command to select program or increment/decrement to the next program, a 500msc delay is required between the next action. Changing program requires the processor to read from memory all the parameters associated with the test. This action takes close to the five hundred milliseconds to perform.

All parameter changes will affect the currently selected test, That is, the test shown on the screen. Make sure to read the current test value before writing any values.

If the data output selection in the program screen is set to ‘ethernet’ the test results will be output on the same socket port (23) at the conclusion of the test.

Cable Diagram

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West Valey City, UT 84119

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