
Press Release – eVmP Servo Motor Technology

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Press Release: Zaxis has introduced servo motor technology into their eVmP (electronic variable metering pump) family of precision metering and dispensing pumps.

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SALT LAKE CITY, UT. (July 31, 2019) – Servo motor technology is now available for the Zaxis eVmP precision metering and dispensing pump. The integration of this technology allows the Zaxis Electronic Variable Metering Pump to attain higher production speeds and manage fluids with much higher viscosity than previously. The new servo motor is now available through any authorized Zaxis sales representative.

The patented eVmP pump is a precision metering and fluid dispenser combined with a detachable Touch Screen Interface (TSi) for simple programing and immediate teach and control. This pump technology combines precision ceramic pump components and an electronically controlled linear stepper actuator to make ultra-fine adjustments to angle position, thereby changing the volume of metered liquid. This allows the eVmP pump to provide dynamic fluid displacement to overcome variations in viscosity and surface tension.

The introduction of servo motor technology into the Zaxis eVmP system allows manufacturers to choose which drive technology is best for their application. Traditional stepper motors are economical and reliable, but they have speed and torque limitations. The servo drive is ideal for more demanding applications with higher flow rates, higher pressure, or fluids with higher viscosity. With nearly 4 times the torque of a traditional stepper motor, the eVmP servo drive can handle flow rates near 2,000 mL/min and back pressure up to 200 psi.

A direct result of the added speed and torque capability provided by the servo technology is the development of the largest eVmP pump yet designed by Zaxis, the eVmp VS6. The VS6 combines one of the most powerful servo motors in the industry with a large pump head with a 1-inch diameter piston. The extra-large flow capacity enables the VS6 to accomplish 6L/min and nearly 7 mL/stroke, at a maximum of 25 PSI.

Servo motor technology increases the dispense speed of the eVmP system as well as enables the system to handle fluids with a much higher viscosity. The servo drive also paves the way for the eVmP VS6, the largest dispensing pump in the eVmP family to date. The addition of the servo drive to the Zaxis eVmP product offering expands the capability and performance to better suit Zaxis customers.

eVmP Vs6

eVmP System

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